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Our Herbs

Klip dagga and Egyptian blue lotus herbs

Klip Dagga is an erect, loosely branched annual with strongly angled stems (square in the cross section) and the leaves are smooth, triangular and in pairs opposite each other. Flowers are in rounded, spiny clusters that encircle the stems so that it looks like the stems are growing right through the middle of the clusters. It has become naturalized in subtropical and tropical areas all over the world and is often found along roadsides and in abandoned fields where it can grow up to 3m tall. Klip Dagga has long been used in Africa for fevers, colds, asthma, and malaria. It is a good heart tonic and has anti-inflammatory properties used for relieving pain and inflammation in joints. When smoked the herb can induce dream states and exuberance.

Klip Dagga (Leonotis nepetifolia) & Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)

An Egyptian water lily that has been used for thousands of years in the Egyptian culture as a sacred symbol and used to induce psycho-active awareness of dream states. t’s a small, round, blue, flowering species that floats atop lakes or other bodies of water. The flower buds rise to the surface over a period of two to three days and when ready, they open in the morning around and close in the early afternoon. It is used as a nerve relaxant or stimulant depending on what your body needs. It has been used as an aphrodisiac and has mood-lifting, euphoric properties.

Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)

Egyptian Blue lotus flower
Raspberry fruit and leaves

This deciduous shrub grows in temperate climates and is native to Europe and Asia. It has woody stems with thorns, pale green leaves, white flowers, and edible red berries. The leaves are used medicinally, and the fruit is widely used throughout the world as food. Raspberry Leaf has been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years and has astringent and stimulant properties making it popular for many ailments. The most common being a uterine tonic for female reproductive health, but it has also been used for sore throats, menstrual problems, vitamin C deficiency, diuretic, and blood cleansing. Mainly used as a tea medicinally and should not be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. 

Raspberry Leaf

(Rubus idaeus)

An Egyptian water lily that has been used for thousands of years in the Egyptian culture as a sacred symbol and used to induce psycho-active awareness of dream states. It is a small, round, blue, flowering species that floats atop lakes or other bodies of water. The flower buds rise to the surface over a period of two to three days and when ready, they open in the morning and close in the early afternoon. It is used as a nerve relaxant or stimulant depending on what your body needs. It has been used as an aphrodisiac and has mood-lifting, euphoric properties.

Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)

Egyptian Blue lotus flower
Raspberry fruit and leaves

This deciduous shrub grows in temperate climates and is native to Europe and Asia. It has woody stems with thorns, pale green leaves, white flowers, and edible red berries. The leaves are used medicinally, and the fruit is widely used throughout the world as food. Raspberry Leaf has been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years and has astringent and stimulant properties making it popular for many ailments. The most common being a uterine tonic for female reproductive health, but it has also been used for sore throats, menstrual problems, vitamin C deficiency, diuretic, and blood cleansing. Mainly used as a tea medicinally and should not be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. 

Raspberry Leaf

(Rubus idaeus)

An aromatic branched perennial shrub that has angular grooved green leaves with white bottoms and red brown stems. It has yellow to red brown flower heads during the months of July - September. An old-time traveler's remedy during the medieval times for protecting from fatigue and sunstroke. It has been used for insect bites and sometimes as a culinary herb. It aids with a healthy menstruation flow and female reproductive health tonic. Helps with disrupted sleep and for nights when you have trouble getting back to bed. Helps to recall, enhance the resolution, and complexity of dreams.


(Artemisia vulgaris)

Mullien yellow flower

Native to the Mediterranean Sea and Ethiopia this plant has grey green sulfur smelling leaves and flower spikes that grow 6 feet tall and bloom bright yellow flowers. This herb is great as a vulnerary for cuts, scrapes, and treating wounds. It is a diuretic and best known for supporting respiratory symptoms of cough, asthma, and bronchitis by clearing congestion as a mild expectorant, decreasing inflammation of the airways, and soothes mucus membranes.


(Verbascum thapsus)

An annual aromatic herb native to the Mediterranean countries. Calendula bears many petaled orange or yellow flowering heads two to three inches in diameter. Also known as marigold or gold bloom and often grown in gardens and the flowers are used medicinally throughout Europe and Latin America. Calendula is a great herb for the gut and skin by reducing inflammation and soothing the skin. It is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic, and pain killing agents have made it great for minor topical infections and irritations. It is used widely throughout Europe for skin, mucous membrane, and gastritis disorders.


(Calendula officinalis)

Pink Rose flower

Rose is thought to be the Queen of Flowers and has been used as a symbol of love and romance, but it has also been used medicinally for hundreds of years. An herbaceous shrub that grows all over the world in temperate climates, used widely as a popular garden plant to uplift mood and open your heart chakra. The flower buds and petals of rose are used medicinally as an Antidepressant, anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, mild sedative, digestive stimulant, increases bile production, cleansing, expectorant, anti–bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic, kidney tonic, menstrual regulator, and anti-inflammatory.


(Rosa centifolia)

A perennial herb native to Lake Baikal in Siberia, North China, and North America. Thrives in open grasslands and grows to a height of one to four feet and bears lance-shaped leaves and purple flowers. The root is used medicinally and has held a spot in Asian medicine for at least 2,000 years. It is primarily used as a anti-viral and anti-bacterial for respiratory infections, relieving allergies, anxiety, and asthma. It is used in Chinese medicine to relieve stress, anxiety, and headaches by lowering stress hormones, increasing energy, and improving cognition. 

Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Scullcap plant and flowers
Damiana yellow flower

An aromatic shrub that grows in hot climates of Texas, Mexico, and Central America, and Namibia.  It grows to a height of six feet and has stems with pale, smooth, green leaves, and small yellow flowers. The leaves are used medicinally and aid in reducing stress in the stomach and inflammation. It has been used with other herbs to aid with sexual trauma, libido, and lethargy. It is a stimulating nerve tonic used for depression, reducing bed wetting, and to aid digestion, and relieve constipation. 


(Turnera diffusa)

An indigenous plant to tropical Americas including Hawaii, the Caribbean, and tropical Asia. It is a shrub that has serrated light green leaves and grows tassels out of the stems that have light blue to purple flowers that taste like mushrooms. The leaves and flowers are used medicinally throughout the Amazon and tropical Americas and it has a wide variety of medicinal properties. Calming to the nerves relieving stress and anxiety. Mild sedative and anti-spasmodic to relax smooth and skeletal muscle cramps and pain. It is a nervine used to restore and protect the nervous system and cleansing to fluids that help protect and strengthen the liver. It is Anti-viral, Anti-microbial, Anti-fungal, and Anti-parasitic aiding in digestive and respiratory conditions of infections. It has Anti-inflammatory properties internally and externally and therefore has been used as a vulnerary for wound healing as well. 

Tropical Blue Vervain

(Stachytarpheta cayennensis)

Tropical Blue Vervain shrub and flowers
Passion Flower white and purple

A light green climbing vine that is native to southeastern parts of America. It has unique shaped flowers that come in a variety of colors from white, purple, green, and red and produces round yellow sweet tasting fruit. The bright colored flowers make it a important food for certain species of butterflies and other pollinators. The leaves, flowers, and fruit are all used medicinally as a nervous system tonic and mild sedative for over two hundred years. It is a calming nervine herb that aids with anxiety, hysteria, depression, and insomnia. It is calming to the heart during distress and helps relax the muscles. Soothing to overstimulation and hypersensitivity to pain and cerebral fullness or mental exhaustion. Aids in letting go and calming the mind for those who cannot sleep and has been used to ease tension headaches. Respiratory soothing and cough suppressant and aids during PMS and menopause. Individuals taking prescription drugs or MAO inhibitors should consult with a physician prior to taking and avoid if pregnant as it may stimulate the uterus.

Passion Flower

(Passiflora incarnata)

A low growing perennial that has pairs of mint like leaves on opposite sides of a square stem and small white flowers. It is part of the mint family and native to the Mediterranean. It is known for it's aromatic components that has a sweet lemon scent and has been used since the Elizabeth era. It is Anti-Viral, Anti-bacterial, and wound healing externally as well as easing indigestion. It helps relieve gas and cramping in the stomach as well as reduce fevers as a diaphoretic. Aids with relieving anxiety and sleeplessness and relaxes muscle tension. 

Lemon Balm

(Melissa officinalis) 

Lemon balm plant
Holy Basil plant

Tulsi basil or Holy Basil is a sacred plant from India that has been widely used to restore all sorts of conditions of the body, mind, and spirit.  It is most widely used in Ayurvedic medicine as an adaptogen to counter life's stressors. It's sacred healings can be seen from using any part of this beautiful plant and each part is used for different ailments. The leaves are green to purplish and have been used as teas for respiratory infections and to aid in reducing stress and anxiety. In India they place the plants at the front of their homes to remind themselves that they need to take time to come home to themselves, and for self-care. It has anti-inflammatory properties aiding in reducing arthritis pain, as well as other chemical components that have been used to reduce high cholesterol, and aid in lowering blood sugar in people with diabetes. 

Tulsi Basil

(Ocimum sanctum)

A nutritive herb that grows in temperate regions of Europe and North America. It has serrated green leaves that have stinging hairs that if accidentally brushed will cause stinging on the skin, but once added to water or cooked this herb is like spinach. It is a nutritive tonic that supports the kidneys, intestines, lungs, and arteries toning and strengthening them. It is a great herb for childbirth and pregnancy supporting lactation, nutrition, and overall, wellbeing supplying the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Balances hormone levels and helps support and restore the adrenals. 

Stinging Nettles

(Urtica dioica)

Stiging nettle plant
Dulce Seaweed

A superfood seaweed that has the highest concentration of digestible minerals anywhere. It is full of Phosphorus and Calcium both needed for strong bones, blood clotting, and heartbeat regulation. Iron which supports healthy blood and hemoglobin function, along with zinc which helps support a strong immune system. Seaweed also is full of chlorophyl which helps to remove heavy metals from the body and assists in oxygenating the cells of the body. 

Dulce Seaweed

(Palmaria palmata)

This tropical medicinal plant has been used medicinally and as food for 1,000 years in Polynesia. All parts of the plant have been used medicinally and contains micronutrients and polysaccharides. It has been used as a nerve restorative and protective for stress induced impairment and a brain tonic for improving cognitive function. Antihistamine and anti-microbial properties used for wound healing, allergies, and coughs & colds. Immune stimulant and Antioxidant as well as Anti-inflammatory properties helping to aid against pain and arthritis. Liver strengthening and protective. 


(Morinda citrifolia)